May the Force be with You

"... the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi —

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fear not...

It could be argued that fear has become the primary motivating force for most people in this country - The Land of the Free.  It operates in big ways as in the fear of terrorism as well as subtly through advertising as in "you don't want to be seen without this" or "wouldn't you feel better (safer) living here" or  "wouldn't you sleep better knowing you're protected".
The drone is constant and people are constantly making choices based on these ideas - fictional scenarios based on someone's imagination in order to get us to make a particular choice from housing to clothing to elections.

But this is only the beginning. In school the youngest children are sometimes made to be fearful of doing something wrong, that is - what an authority says is wrong. In fact, submission to authority turns out to be one of the key elements in our educational system. It is constantly being challenged by some enlightened person or another but the beauty of a huge institution with an elaborate bureauracy is how slow it changes and how frequently the changes are totally opposite the best learning practices which is well understood by science.

So we become moulded into a submissive society and few notice except those who do and yell out, each in their own way, "Wake Up!" Many have described this condition in books, the Internet, and in films such as I Am, Thrive, Ethos, Zeitgeist, as well as Matrix, Avatar, Groundhog Day and others. Fortunately, due largely to the Internet the word is getting out and people are again beginning to question the reality we have created. This was the essence of the cultural evolution of the 60's and 70's, and though the power of our political/economic system prevailed over the forces of general awakening the vital groundwork for the present was established.  Now is the time.

As one awakes from the American Dream suddenly all things are possible such as a world without war. Profoundly George Carlin answers the question "why do they call it the American dream ?", "Because you have to be asleep to believe it." As awake individuals we can realize that fear is created in the mind since it is always one and usually many people telling a particular story over and over. To fear or not to fear that is the question. It is a choice. Shall we love our neighbor or kill him/her. Do we worry about what others think of us or just live a life of love and caring, held up as an ideal but not pursued since it would not permit the injustice inflicted on this planet in every way. Instead we allow ourselves to be persuaded that humans are sinful by nature and only after death (if you are "good") will you find a world where Love is the answer. What a crock of crap! Even the bible says we are created in the image of God and that means Love, and Jesus said anyone could be as he is and do what he does. I guess this is the part we are not supposed to believe - at least literally.

As awake and ultimately enlightened humans we are creating a new vision which each day is increasing geometrically. We are connecting through networks and in community. It is all about thinking globally and acting locally. Every action we make locally now has a global impact from the food we eat to the clothes we buy and the energy we consume. This is the downside of waking and the basis for "ignorance is bliss". To be awake means to be responsible for the entity we call ourself. If its true that our nature is to cooperate and care rather than competing and conquering then the path is clear and a "peace and love" world is the only Way. This is what I'm saying. "Imagine" - a world with no borders? Etc., etc., etc. Be the Change, this is the challenge for each of us, and believe me it is a challenge, but it's nothing we can't do. In fact it has been done (go here) and is being done now. Of course these models don't correspond to the American Dream and so are not even discussed In the "main stream". Fear not, for I bring you good tidings. The age old dream of heaven on earth is alive and well and is becoming - "on earth as it is in heaven".


  1. I am disturbed that racism is still pervasive. Even though racists are fearful, they cause even more fear in those they torment. This is said in the context of a recent incident. How do we deal with fearful bigots?

  2. Love is the answer. This is the great challenge we face - to overcome fear with love. It is the "practice". Fear and anger feed the fires of Hades. Words of Love have great power and dispel darkness with their Light, but it must be from the heart.
