May the Force be with You

"... the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi —

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cultivating Peace

I recently read a wonderful book entitled "Cultivating Peace" written by James O'Dea. He has been involved in many peace related and conflict resolution efforts throughout the world. What he discovered over the years was that in order to be effective as an agent of peace one must be "at peace" within - as within so it will be without. It is another way of saying, "be the change you wish to experience in the world".  In effect as we experience peace in our lives we become agents of peace. So the question must always be, are we at peace? If not, why not? As we examine the present moment - the Now - and ask this question we begin the process of self-evaluation. It is the essence of the admonition to "Know Thyself". Usually, the knowledge we must seek is related to that which we believe in the sense that our choices are a manifestation of our beliefs.

If I believe that I may only be at peace in a particular situation whether physical or situational then I will be unhappy if not in that place. On the other hand, if my peace does not depend on a particular expectation then it is possible to be at peace. Though this is only the beginning, it is an important understanding. Buddhism suggests three ideas that may be used in evaluating our emotions that in part create our reality: non-attachment, non-resistance, and non-judgement. This can actually be condensed to simply attachment since resistance and judgement are really just attachments to particular beliefs, hence "Attachment is Suffering". Then we must ask, what are we attached to and why? To the extent that we free ourselves from attachment we truly become "Free" which is an inherent aspect of our essence - the human spirit.

At this point many become discouraged because they imagine that only by renouncing "a worldly" existence, as some do, can peace be achieved, and therefore they resign themselves to an unhappy life because they do not feel compelled to become a nun or live in a cave. However, one could say that the ego has made this rationalization since it allows us to accept a reality that is filled with unnecessary pain and suffering. It is simply a belief that has been perpetuated for thousands of years and is what it is. Nevertheless, the truth of our "true self" has always been known and has been passed down through the generations by those who have come to understand their true nature. It is this truth with which we must concern ourselves because it is this truth that brings peace.

An important part of the process is healing, but healing can only take place after we acknowledge the pain. The acknowledgement is both personal and collective and involves truth and reconciliation. We must affirm the truth of who we are with the understanding of our uniqueness and our essential part in the grand scheme of the universe for we now know that "Everything is Connected". Peace is the fruit of Love. God is Love. We are God therefore it is simply our true nature to manifest Love. As we manifest Love we create peace and so it is said "Peace is the Way". Ultimately pain and suffering is an illusion created by the ego-self to obscure our true self. It is always the ego-self that is attached to the world and in a sense creates the reality in which we live. As we connect with our true self we begin the process of healing as we embrace forgiveness.

To have a world of peace we must know peace. To be at peace only requires that we manifest our true nature which is love and that is always done in the present moment. Love is always standing at the door and knocking and forgiveness is the action that opens the door. Whenever possible we must seek forgiveness of those we have injured by accepting the truth that Love is our true nature. Of course, if one believes that our nature is survival of the fittest then apologies are unnecessary and the infliction of much pain and suffering becomes inevitable. This is the world that most people accept because we have been unaware of Truth, and so to "know thyself" is to know truth - the truth of who we are - beams of light shinning in the darkness.

For millions it is the dawn and though yet dim must precede a growing light. We must fuel our fires (or crank up the voltage) by removing the obstacles of peace - resistance, judgement and attachment. We must question all beliefs and accept only that which the Heart, not the ego-mind, knows to be true; for it is in the heart that the true self resides. As we accept the truth of Love we will accept our connectedness to everyone and everything which frees us from judgment and resistance. As you focus now on this very moment you will realize how all that has preceded this moment has brought you to where you are now and in your heart you will know "it is all good". Causality implies purpose and creation is an act of consciousness. Through consciousness (the consciousness of our Love essence) we create peace. You could also say that when the egos' love of power is subdued by the Love within our heart we experience peace.

Be The Change!
Love is the answer, peace is the Way,
It is what it is and it's all good.
May the Force be with You!

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