May the Force be with You

"... the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi —

Friday, May 24, 2013


"In accordance with fact or reality"

The confusion comes in defining reality.  Science decided it could do that although philosophy preceded science.  In fact science evolved as an offshoot of philosophy.  Finally, after a couple of thousand years thanks to the clever or very sick shenanigans of a small number of people,  a rapidly growing number of humans are realizing that what we've been led to believe is "reality" is not really quite right, especially the part that says we need a bunch of rich guys who think they are God's gift to humanity telling us what we need and don't need while they ruin the planet on which we depend for our lives.  Considering all the money that's been spent on space I suspect their plan is to take off in rocket ships and do the same thing somewhere else while those of us remaining get stuck with the mess.  Clearly this is a critical time.  The quicker we can stop the plunder and devastation the sooner the healing can begin.

This is just one example of the deception.  Yet we cannot ignore our responsibility for as it has been said "it takes two to Tango" and "you can't con an honest man".  In other words it is the story of idol worship.  When Moses came down from the mountain he was so angry because the people had turned to idol worship - "golden images" etc - that he broke the tablets in his fury.  There has always been those who realize that the ultimate truth is Life itself.  Most if not all indigenous cultures have this understanding and have survived thousands of year, maybe 40,000 or more they say for the Australian Aborigine,  while western culture in just a few hundred years has seriously mucked it up.  I believe the early Christians were for the most part idealistic maybe utopian.  But Rome had a better idea.  They figured out a way to co-opt the Christians and with a little slight of hand created a belief system that let you appear"holy" while allowing you to worship idols also.  This was the great deception upon which a multitude of lies ensued and Western Civilization evolved. If the debauchery got too crazy you could always say "the devil made you do it" which worked much of the time.  In fact, with a little gold placed in the right hands it almost always worked.

 There have always been prophets who attempted to reveal truth but the rulers knew the game since they created the rules.  For hundreds of years heretics were ostracized and if that didn't stop them burning usually did.  Eventually, burning gave way to more sophisticated ways of stifling descent.   But funny thing, just like in "terrorism" you kill one and a dozen more pop up to take his place.  And so it went until today.   Now, thanks to technology the Truth has become obvious, even to the unenlightened, that all Life is connected.  This is a fundamental understanding and seriously undermines what many believe about Reality.  It also requires us, as I've suggested before, to assess and reassess the choices we make each day and consider their consequences, both in terms of the physical impact on the planet and the human cost.  Millions of people just like you and me are needlessly suffering.  We must change.

This is what awakening is about, and higher consciousness, and enlightenment.  It is not an idea it's an action - as in the action of choosing.   That is what is meant by " be the change", for as we reprogram ourselves after thousands of years in bondage we will manifest the "heaven" that was prophesied.  There can be no coercion.  Each human must freely choose.  We may choose wisely or we may choose poorly.  The greatest challenge may be convincing people they have a choice.  Of course, this is what "they" don't want you to know.  Nevertheless, change is happening.  Throughout the world we are discovering the truth and making changes.  You won't hear it from mainstream media very often, but thanks to the Internet we know.  Today they are called pioneers because they break new ground almost everyday.  Each of us must manifest their highest "calling" for this is why we are here now.  We must think like a virus who infects all it contacts, but just like two thousand years ago its about the "good news".  The news? We're all One, brothers and sisters, and if we work together, cooperate, and truly practice the Golden Rule we will manifest heaven.  It is our destiny.  Let's do it now!

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