May the Force be with You

"... the Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi —

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Resistance is futile

The idea of non-resistance is not new, although for many individuals it is.  Growing up in a Christian environment submitting to the will of God was part of the teaching, but it was never clear to me what was meant.  Those who chose a religious profession would speak of a "calling" and submitting to God's will, but what about everyone else. Years later as I explored the wisdom of the East I learned about the principle of non-resistance.  Eventually, I realized that non-resistance and submission were the same thing.

Whenever I think about this idea I am reminded of the well known refrain from the Star Trek series "resistance is futile".  In this case it referred to the power of the Borg, but I sensed that it had a more universal meaning.  Historically Power has always tried to convince people that they should be submissive, yet there have always been those who have chosen not to.  Freedom, although understood in many different ways, has always been a force in human evolution and has always eventually met the resistance of domination.  The benefits of violent revolution if any are short lived.  A popular view holds that our evil nature dooms us (until ?).

For me, and I expect for many others, the notion of competition never felt right, yet the culture I lived in embraced this idea in every way. What was I not getting? The cultural revolution of the 60's and 70's expressed another view - cooperation and caring as an expression of Love. Communal living became widespread and some people began to recognize that we are all connected. It could be said that seeds were planted then that are now bearing fruit. Literally millions of voices are proclaiming an unprecedented shift in human consciousness. What does this mean?

The Emperor's New Clothes is a favorite metaphor that describes the illusion that most people describe as "reality".  We are taught that the world is a certain way and accept what we are told because everyone says so despite the fact that most people have some experience that doesn't correspond to the accepted view.  We may ignore the experience and continue to go along with the "teaching".  Others may express the inner conflict with "unacceptable" behavior resulting in being labeled a misfit, most often a criminal or crazy. I believe depression is most often the consequence of the conflict between "the story" we are taught and the inner truth we feel but are unable to express.  In the story everyone pretends to see the invisible clothes until a child says, "the king is naked".  Perhaps the "flower children" were like the child in the story as they proclaimed the futility of materialism and war, and reminded us of the tyranny of big government and corporations.

As humans everywhere begin to comprehend the truth that has always been understood by a few the phrase "resistance is futile" makes sense, for it is the resistance to the truth that enslaves us and in effect is useless. It is useless because as we reject the truth of our true nature and the nature of the universe we are unable to experience the peace, joy and fulfillment that comes from this recognition.  Awakened, conscious or enlightened all refer to the realization that all life is connected to and the expression of the Universal Consciousness and is sacred.  The world we have created is the result of a story we've been told.  It is a false story because it denies our true nature of Love that is even expressed in the Bible by the statements of being created in God's image and "God is Love".

With this understanding we may begin to experience "the flow".  It is the feeling that comes from knowing that you are right where you need to be and it's all good. This is non-resistance.  There will always be challenges but this is the way we learn, and as we do unimaginable experiences begin to "happen".  Don't take my word for it.  Give up. "Won't you join us?"  Resistance is futile! 

Go with the flow!  May the Force be with You!


  1. Hi - I see you fixed the problem that had been occurring with your domain name, but I really wish you would update this blog a little more often. Not very often, but at least more often than you do. Perhaps at least once every 2 months or once every 3 months at a minimum would be nice.
